ITIL Exam Preparation

Increase your chances of passing the ITIL4 exam! We invite you to a free exam simulation webinar by trainer Ciprian Grancea!

What is ITIL?

What is ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library)?  ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) is a framework designed to standardize the selection, planning, delivery, maintenance and overall lifecycle of IT services within a business. The goal is to improve efficiency and achieve predictable service delivery. The ITIL framework enables IT administrators to be business service partners, rather than just back-end support. ITIL guidelines and best practices align IT department actions and expenses to business needs and change them as the business grows or shifts direction.

ITIL v4 is designed to help IT admins navigate the ins and outs of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and provide guidance for the role of IT management in a service economy. ITIL v4 accommodates newer approaches, such as DevOps, automation, containers, microservices and the cloud. It also emphasizes the integration of ITSM with other areas of a business.

ITIL4 Exam Preparation
